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Vol No: 4  Issue No: 2 eISSN:  

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Editorial Article

Dr. Geraldine Menezes

Editor-in-Chief, RJAHS

Received Date: 2021-09-12,
Accepted Date: 2021-10-30,
Published Date: 2021-12-31
Year: 2021, Volume: 1, Issue: 3, Page no. vi-vii, DOI: 10.26463/rjahs.1_3_2
Views: 3443, Downloads: 94
Licensing Information:
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0.


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Health care service delivery is now a team effort, drawing upon the expertise of both clinicians and non-clinicians. Allied health care professionals (AHPs) play an essential role across the value chain of health care service delivery. Awareness, relevant qualification, training, experience, in depth knowledge, and appropriate ethical practices by AHPs have contributed to the better visibility of the paradigm shift.

Non-uniform nomenclature for allied health science courses, diverse standards of practice and lack of qualified faculty have always posed a threat to the quality of education and skills of allied health professionals in India. In the absence of central regulatory authority for allied health professionals and courses in India, few independent professional bodies have worked towards in the past, focusing on the nature of education, training, appropriate orientation towards community health of many categories of AHPs and to facilitate their integration with medical professionals for delivery of quality healthcare services. 

With the advent of NCAHP (National Commission for Allied and Healthcare Professions Act), 2021, it is necessary for the states to have their own councils with clearly defined roadmaps and objectives. The state councils should aim at providing regulation and maintenance of standards of education and services by AHPs, promoting research and development and adoption of latest scientific advancement in the state. Arising opportunities will create millions of jobs for AHPs in the coming decade.

In view of formation of respective state councils, it is the need of the hour to have an association to safeguard the interests of AHPs and therefore, it is apt to have an association for AHPs in Karnataka.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started. ‘Karnataka State Allied & Healthcare Professionals’Association’ is being initiated by the Allied Health Science community in Karnataka state. The aims and objectives of this association will be to:

a) Foster a culture of sustained professional oriented training that meets the needs of the different sectors of the economy and society.

b) Provide access to the members of Allied Health Sciences fraternity to various facets of clinical frontiers and continuously upgrade their knowledge throughout their career.

c) Make continuous learning requirements for Allied Health Sciences practitioner as mandatory.

d) Design and implement advanced Continuing Allied Health Sciences Education (CAHSE) system by a thorough detailed study of global best practices in this field.

e) Provide extensive coverage regarding current and advanced expositions on Allied Health Sciences.

f) Explore the possibilities of adopting similar protocols and programs to ensure sustained professional excellence.

g) Promote community-based health care undertakings i.e. educational institutions, hospitals, clinics, dispensaries etc.

h) Unveiling clinical friendly educative programs to enrich the career of Allied Health Sciences professional members.

i) Promote publications, through print and electronic medium, on Allied Health Sciences professional career development, management and administration i.e. articles, monographs, books, booklets, perio-dicals, films, television etc. However, at no point of time this shall be construed to be a business activity and shall be taken up only as an activity of charitable nature.

j) Undertake research projects on Allied Health Sciences education, career development, management, and administration.

k) Establish contacts with similar organizations, institutions in India and abroad.

l) Establish and maintain library and information center of Allied Health Sciences literature.

m) Promote high professional standards and conduct amongst the members of the Allied Health Sciences Professionals and to check unprofessional practices.

n) Introduce welfare schemes for the betterment of members of the Association.

o) Introduce education promotional and assistance schemes for the dependents of members of the association.

Every moment is a fresh beginning. The early stages of a start-up association requires extensive planning, an official organizing committee that will handle various functions, fund-raising, communications and drawing up the guidelines for the association. In addition, the association needs cooperation from all AHPs for its proper growth.


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